All inconvenience related to ear plastic surgery is avoided with Sorribes Ear Method®
Sorribes Ear Method® offers an alternative to cosmetic ear surgery. All risk and pain related to surgery and anesthesia are avoided.
Easy and painless permanent ear correction for all ages
Plastic surgery for ears is a well known method for correcting protruding and irregular ears. In most cases cosmetic surgery of the ears is successful, but anesthesia is risky and pain is unavoidable after surgery. Many parents to young children with ears that stick out feel reluctant putting their child through plastic surgery, and also among teenagers there is a great need for an alternative to cosmetic surgery. Sorribes Ear Method is non surgical ear pinning. The method works for all ages. We treat newborn babies, toddlers, tweens, teenagers and adults.
Sorribes Ear Method uses patented and allergy tested easy-to-use products
Sorribes Ear Method is comparable to correcting protruding teeth with braces. The method uses an adhesive patch, a silver ear brace and a plastic ear clam. The products gently moulds the cartilage of the ear and changes the angle of the ear until it lies close to the head. The result is permanent. Compared to cosmetic surgery Sorribes Ear Method is gentle, painless, has less side effects and lower costs.
Lower cost compaired to the cost of ear surgery
Ear surgery prices are high. Sorribes Ear Method offers an economical alternative to the higher surgery cost. Depending on age and ear deformity, you save up to 60 % compared to the cost of surgery.
All risks related to ear pinning is avoided using Sorribes Ear Method
Ear pinning is plastic surgery that corrects protruding or irregular ears. Sorribes Ear Method is a gentle and safe alternative to surgery.
Gentle, riskless and permanent ear correction without surgery
Pinning ears back is surgery used to correct protruding ears and is one of the fastest growing plastic surgeries for children. Ear pinning is performed on children as young as 4, however there are always risks involved in both surgery and anesthesia. Sorribes Ear Method is a safe non surgical alternative to pinning back ears. The treatment is comparable to correcting irregular teeth with braces. Using four easy-to-use patented and allergy tested products the cartilage of the ears is gently moulded and the ears moved to a natural looking position close to the head.
Permanent ear correction for all ages
Many children are aware of their appearance at an early age. Small children with protruding ears often suffer ridicule from older children, even before they become aware of their irregular ears. Many parents to children with stick out ears look for a safe and painless alternative to having their child’s ears pinned back with surgery. Sorribes Ear Method works for all ages. We treat from newborn and up, also teenagers and adults.
Good news for teenagers: no bandages, no pain, no scars!
Especially teenagers are more than happy to avoid the inconveniences of having to wear a head bandage subsequent to pinning ears. With Sorribes Ear Method you avoid possible ear pinning side effect such as pain and scar tissue. Also the Sorribes Ear Method offers invisible products for discreet day time treatment. The results are permanent.
With Sorribes Ear Method you avoid the risks and side effects of otoplasty
Otoplasty is a cosmetic ear surgery procedure designed to correct protruding or otherwise irregular ears. Sorribes Ear Method offers a painless and safe alternative to otoplasty.
Looking for a painless and safe alternative to otoplasty?
Prominent ears sticking out too much is often a reason for unwanted focus and ridicule. We recommend parents to children with irregular and protruding ears to start correcting the ears,before they become a problem to the child and give cause to unkind nicknames and teasing.
Otoplasty however, always involve risks and many parents, and teenagers and adults too, look for a safe alternative without the complications, side effects and recovery issues, that is a possibility with any surgery including otoplasty.
Avoid the risks and side effects of otoplasty
Sorribes Ear Method is a gentle and safe non surgical alternative to otoplasty. Our treatment is comparable to correcting irregular teeth with braces. Using easy-to-use patented and allergy tested products the cartilage of the ears is gently moulded and the ears moved to a natural looking position close to the head.
The cost of Sorribes Ear Method compared to the cost of otoplasty
Sorribes Ear Method is a very economical choice compared to the cost of otoplasty. You save up to 60% of the otoplasty cost with our non surgical method.
Sorribes Ear Method® is a simple alternative to lop ear surgery
Lop ear is a is a fairly common light deformity of the outer ear. The malformation causes the the rim to bend or the ears to drop.
Avoid the pain and side effects of lop ear surgery
Surgical lop ears correction is usually succesful, but pain after surgery is unavoidable and side effects must be expected. Sorribes Ear Method® is ear correction without surgery. The method works for a variety of ear malformations including lop ears, and offers a gentle, safe and easy alternative to surgery.
Comparable to orthodontics
Our treatment is comparable to correcting irregular teeth with braces. With four easy-to-use patented and allergy tested products the cartilage of the lop ear is gently moulded and formed into a natural looking ear.
Permanent results for all ages with Sorribes Ear Method®
Sorribes Ear Method® works for all ages. We treat from newborn and up, also teenagers and adults. The treatment period varies depending on age and the character of the lop ear malformation. The results are permanent.
Ear correction with no pain and minimal side effects
We think it is important, that ear correction does not hurt – especially when it comes to treating children.
Painless ear correction
Surgical correction of prominent ears are inevitably associated with subsequent pain. The usually treatment after surgical ear correction involves wearing a turban bandage for at least 7 days after surgery. Sorribes Ear Method offers an alternative, it is very gentle ear correction method, and instead of having to wear a turban, you can wear strips that can not be seen.
Patented and allergy tested ear correction products
Our products are designed to achieve maximum impact on the ears without any pain or discomfort. The ears are carefully folded and gently held in place while the cartilage is gradually formed and the ears moved close to the head. The treatment is without side effects and the results are permanent.
Sorribes Ear Method is comparable to correcting protruding teeth with braces
Our method uses an adhesive patch, a silver ear brace and a plastic ear clam. The products are easy to use, and the result is permanent. Compared to surgical ear correcting Sorribes Ear Method is gentle and painless, has less side effects and lower costs.
Our vision is to save children with big ears from teasing
Teasing, low self esteem and cosmetic problems because of prominent, deformed or big ears are avoided when the ears are corrected at an early age.
The sooner you start the better
For children we always recommend to start treatment before the protruding and big ears give cause to problems. Sorribes Ear Method is a gentle alternative to surgical correction of protruding and big ears.
Big ears correction for all ages
The essence of Sorribes Ear Method is to correct irregular and big ears gentle with permanent results. The method works for newborns, babies, toddlers, tweens, teenagers and adults. The staff at Sorribes Online provides an individual treatment plan tailored to your age. As a general rule, the treatment period is shorter the younger you are.
Invisible products for discreet daytime treatment
The Sorribes Ear Method offers invisible products ideal for discreet daytime treatment. The method uses a transparent adhesive patch, a silver ear brace and a plastic ear clam. Our treatment is comparable to correcting irregular teeth with braces. The products are easy to use, and the results are permanent.
Save money! Non surgical correction of sticking out ears, bat ears and protruding ears
Compared to cosmetic surgery of sticking out ears, bat ears and protruding ears, the non surgical Sorribes Ear Method® is an economical choice.
Save up to 60% with Sorribes Ear Method
With Sorribes Ear Method® you save up to 60 % compared to surgical ear correction, depending on age, stiffness of ear and nature of ear deformity.
Allergy tested easy-to-use products
Sorribes Ear Method® is without side effects and the results are permanent. Our products are easy to use, and designed to achieve maximum impact on the ears without any pain or discomfort. The sticking out ears are carefully folded and gently formed while they are gradually moved to a naturally looking position lying close to the head.
Corrects protruding ears for all ages
The method works for newborns, babies, children, teenagers and adults. As a general rule, the treatment period is shorter the younger you are. Our products are provided in different sizes and thickness appropriate to your age.
Sorribes Ear Method® – ear correction since 1998
All the products used in Sorribes Ear Method® are designed with usability in mind. We continually improve our treatment in close contact with our clients.
Easy-to-use products
It is our experience, that after the first few times handling the products, treatment becomes a natural part of the daily routines, comparable to brushing teeth. With smaller children it takes parents a few minutes to do the treatment routine. Normally it needs to be done a couple of times every day. Older children (from 7 years and up) can manage most of the treatment themselves.
Detailed instructions and helpfull tips
A detailed and well illustrated treatment manual is provided with the purchase of a Sorribes Ear Method® start kit. In the manual you also find tips and advices collected from our many clients around the world.
Ears deformity home treatment supervised by the staff at Sorribes Online
Ears deformity is relatively common as approximately 8% of the population (in western countries) are born with or develops some kind of ear deformity.
Non surgical ear deformity correction in the comfort of your own home
Especially for children Sorribes Ear Method® is a safe and comfortable treatment. Your child is treated at home by mom or dad instead of being brought to a doctor – a stranger in an unfamiliar place. And as the the Sorribes Ear Method® is painless any future fear of doctors is avoided.
Sorribes Ear Method® works for all common ear deformities
Our non-surgical treatment corrects ears deformity like prominent ears, cup ears, cryptotia, Stahl´s ears, lop ears, telephone ears and earlobe deformities. The results are permanent and all products used are patented and allergy tested.
Easy-to-use products for all ages
Our method uses different easy-to-use products: a transparent adhesive patch, a silver ear brace and a plastic ear clam. Many of our clients are especially happy with the invisible patch, as it is a very discreet treatment and ideal for daytime use.
The only patented method to non surgical ear correction
The market offers other methods and products to non surgical ear correction. However Sorribes Ear Method® is the only patented non surgical correction.
Sorribes Ear Method® is gentle and convenient ear correction
Many methods as for example Ear Buddies, uses wire systems attached with multiple strips and patches, and others, like Ear Wells, uses large plastic molds that has to stay on the ears 24 hours a day. With Sorribes Ear Method® the usual inconvenience and side effects of traditional non surgical ear correction are avoided.
Sorribes Ear Method® means efficient and easy-to-use products
The method uses a transparent adhesive patch, a small silver ear brace and a light plastic ear clam. All products are simple and very easy to use. Our transparent patch is very popular for daytime treatment, as it is invisible on the ear.
Sorribes Ear Method® is ear correction for all ages
Other non surgical methods works for newborns only. Sorribes Ear Method® is ear correction with permanent results for all ages. Our products are provided in different sizes apropiate to different ages.